The Caretaker is dying to show you around this hyper-link maze of monstrous merchandise! Custom made masks, props and mascots await, plus our coolest new additions to date...............
(insert drum-roll here) .......... Custom Design International!
Dynamic Design International is definitely on-the-move! Here We Grow Again!
We're starting the New Year...... in serious high-gear! The throttle is wide open and there's no holds barred! It's - DDI OR BUST! Why shop around for a cup or key-chain with your logo stamped on it, when you can cut loose and go for broke? Try something different - something that'll leave they're tongues waggin'! Promotional Marketing Products and all-things-custom. "Step right on up an' outside the box folks........"
Contact-us about our Unique design and manufacturing capabilities. DDI will produce your custom mask designs, themed decor, props, mascots and scenic displays, for promotional, marketing, give-aways and more! From initial concept - straight through mass production and logistics!
Sculpting, mold-making, fabrication, paint and finishing - it all takes years of experience and serious discipline. Your projects initial design is crucial. Giving a design "soul", requires a skill-set and style, unique unto the artist, or artists - creating it. Every studio has it's own style and approach. We're sure you'll love our unique style and approach - which covers a wide range of industries and mediums - spanning over 25 fun-filled years!
"custom mask/custom props - client sample"

Bail-Out Bull-Sh**! (click image left for CNBC vid!)
Custom mask designs - sure to frighten anyone trying to keep food on the table and a roof over their head! A terrifying two-some - disturbing masks created for Ben And & you thought Jacob Marley was scary!
Politician's Wearing Masks? You betcha'! Here's another video that shows our politically-driven, custom mask handi-work. Click the mask-image to enjoy this funny TV commercial, produced for Bob Sullivan's campaign for Oklahoma Governor. Regarding the video title typo...... we just made the masks folks!
What do Halloween and Political Campaigning have in common? Putting on a mask, going door to door - and soliciting for as much stuff as possible, in a specifically alloted amount of time! The similarities are pretty scary and so is this congressional-campaign-commercial (click right) that we were asked to design this character-driven mask for. Be careful next time you open your door... or your bill-fold (for that matter)..... yikes!
"the process of designing a custom mask - made easy"
Designs are translated into clay renderings and molded, then comes fabrication, paint and finishing! Your involved in each stage (sculpting through finishing). Stages are confirmed via e-mailed images. When your happy, we move forward, see..... easy!
Read - Toy Directory Monthly's chilling Halloween article about our custom masks and props! The fine folks over at TDM, even threw in a few neat-o pix for your viewing pleasure! Just follow this scary yellow Link to uncover the gut-wrenching facts!
Snakes On A Plane! These cool little custom props were an idea for the films marketing. Masks and winged-snake props... we do it all!

Hey Kid, Watch Out! All new thrills are coming from our expanding Design Department. Not only does DDI design the coolest mask sculpts and custom props around, but for the coolest customers too! Click-on our Dynamic-Disney-Denizen (left).... for a quick sneak peek!
Mask collecting is a blast and there's a ton of cool stuff out there - spanning some pretty serious years! Unfortunately, most mask casts are rubber and rubber rots. Adding to your masks life-span takes a few simple steps, so just head on over to our Caretaker Pages.... 'cause they're packed-to-the-pipes with this highly treasured-info!
Click (on banner right) if you dig costumes, 'cause the Caretaker and his crew, create some of the coolest costumes...... around!

"Pssst Matey!" Uncle Salty's been sailin' an' surfin' this weird wide web for some time, and he sez...... "Props, custom masks, 'n mascots from DDI don't haunt dem shelves long! Now do yer-self a favor and please don't be delay-in', to get yer-stash on time..... get those orders in today-in'!"