
Any ghoul will tell ya, you can't have Halloween without Halloween masks and the custom mask creations of Dynamic Design International are the most intensely original custom masks you'll find anywhere! Hand poured and painted in terrifyingly vivid colors, each custom mask appears to be absolutely alive! Whether your trick-or-treating, haunting houses, or scaring the yell out of yer neighbors, the Caretaker's cool-ection of custom masks definitely have you covered!
Just in time... for your viewing pleasure! It's hot, it's cool - it's brand spankin' new. Our youtube-video-page is up and running. Click-on the U-Tube graphic (left) and you'll be magically transported through cyber-osmosis (via - technological wizardry)!
SCHLOCK MONSTER Green skin, blue hair, and one big bloodshot eyeball - for a vintage custom mask feel! # 200223 |
eye-popping, knuckle whitening, high octane, in yer face mask - daddy-o! #
200220 |
ugly crone screaming for blood! Who's under your house? #
200221 |
fiend with wrinkly skin and rank breath! Wazzaaap?! # 200102 |
hair, stovepipe hat, and plenty of blood-soaked chompers! This is one huge mask! #
200114 |
eyes and ghostly blue features! Spooky and kooky! # 200103 |
monster from the basement means shivers through the roof! #
200104 |
DEEP RISING Ancient sea being from beyond space and time! Jack who? #
200420 |
prowling the night in search of poor cheeks to tweak! #
200106 |
maestro makes mucho monster mask mischief! # 200112 |
VENOM Guardian of the
slithering underworld, our Venom custom mask
is big, mean, and nasty! # 200109 |
INCOMING DDI custom masks are usually light on the gore... usually! #
200113 |
BLASTED VAMPIRE The effects of the sun on
blood-suckers is bad for vampires, great for scares! #
200105 |
RAT BOY A face only a mother could love is
a mask every kid will love! # 200111 |
INSECTICIDE Break out the bug spray... on second thought, run for it! # 200107 |
Poor Mr. Grimmsby just got a look in the mirror! #
200108 |
NIGHT FEEDER Shrouded night prowler on the hunt for fresh human blood! # 200656 |
TROLL Ancient forest dweller who lies in waiting as you prepare to cross! #
200650 |
FOG ZOMBIE Hooded zombie corpse mask with disturbing rotted features! # 200660 |
NIGHT BEAST Chasing whatever crosses it's carnivorous path, Night Beast is on the loose! #
200652 |
CHUMPO Twisted crazy carnie who's been stuffed into one too many clown cars! # 200654 |
BONES Fully-hooded Skeleton mask! A Halloween classic that's always in style! #
200658 |
CRYPY KREEPER Chinless hooded horror with a bulging eyeball and fillet-o-face! # 200672 |
BLOOD SUCKER It aint no lolly-pop kid! This nocturnal nuisance is a real pain in the neck! #
200676 |
SPECTRE Silently hovering, as it waits patiently to cross over! Where'd I put that Ouija Board! # 200674 |
FRANKEN-RAT Mr.Stein had a few too many when he started this ill-fated project! #
200670 |
WOLFEN Crazy little lunar scavenger attacking its helpless prey in frenzied feverish packs! # 200678 |
HALF-A-MIND Next time would ya slow-down to 50 before you let me out? Thanks for the ride pal! #
200680 |
Contact the Caretaker for quality Halloween Masks and unique Custom Mask designs!
Tel:818.923.8798 click here to e-mail us!
all images & content copyright 1999-2015 Dynamic Design International, LLC. All rights reserved.